Assembly Framework

The Assembly Framework

The Assembly Framework provides a starting point and is an example. Assembly Frameworks around the world are expected to develop over time according to the wishes of their members.

Assembly Framework, Assemblies of the World

Framework Purpose

The Assembly Framework serves to facilitate communication and the sharing of information between the assemblies only. It has no authority to govern. The internal structure of any of the assemblies is entirely determined by its members and not by any central power, as the power ultimately resides with the people at a local level. The people can never abdicate their responsibilities to the few, as there are no elected officials.

Framework Changes

Working together under Natural Law, we are free to choose how we want to interact and how we want to live and work together, in harmony and for the benefit of all. Once the Framework of an Assembly, whether local, regional or national, has been established, any further changes that have a significant impact, should only be made after and with the approval of the Assembly membership.

Dispute Resolution

In the case of a dispute, which cannot be resolved at Assembly Level, Facilitators and / or the Core Teams are able to assist in the process of dispute resolution. Any issues that cannot be resolved at a National Level, will be raised in a meeting of the Assemblies of the World. It may be necessary for Emissaries of the Assemblies of the World to take on the role of Neutral Arbitrator.

To protect sensitive information, all decisions are to be recorded, collated and stored securely. The decisions made and the arguments supporting the decision, are to be passed back through the system to become part of our knowledge-base, to avoid duplication and to enable all the Assemblies to learn from each other. To assist in the efficient worldwide flow and exchange of knowledge, it is essential that both successful and failed project information is shared.

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Looking at alternative ways people may choose to associate with one another to find a more sustainable, fair and just way of sharing the benefits of the Creator's creations to allow a more fulfilling experience by humanity than that which has, in many ways, served the few at the expense of the many. 

Marc Horn, Founcer, Peace Keepers

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